Hello again, everyone! Sorry for the lack of posts lately. It has been a whirlwind month, so getting a post done has been a little difficult, especially when my Publicist/Pops is busy getting all ready for school to start up again and trying at the same time to stay abreast of all the information coming out of the
BYU football fall camp. I managed to pull him away from the meetings with
advisors and the football reports to generate some blog content that I've dictated. Now that he's free, here's what I've been up to...
My birthday was in July. That's right, I'm a
Roar. To commemorate the
cornucopia of joy that was the day of my birth, we decided to head out to California and immerse ourselves in
ness. For me, presents are great, but the best part of birthdays is being with family.

This picture is a good demonstration of that fact. Don't be fooled – I'm not mad here, despite the lemony face. I merely love hanging with my great grandma
Wever so much that it

I also got to see my Auntie Ali and Uncle Jon. It's great that they are so close now and I can see them more often. Ali is training these days for a half marathon, but she slowed down enough that I could snap a quick photo here of her with my Mom. I tried to snap one of Uncle Jon, but he is a little more elusive...

In this shot, I am on my favorite perch watching Lightning McQueen tear up the track in
Cars. I love that movie normally, but watching it on a big screen with my Uncle Kip is the best.

I got to play some computer games with my cousin Evan. I made sure not to give Evan a free second while I was in California. I followed him around constantly with calls of "Come here, Evan! Come here, Evan! Come here, Evan!!!" Lennon better step up his game, cause I think Evan's edging him out for the spot of
favorite cousin.

As part of the birthday festivities, Mom & Pops and Grandpa took Evan & I to Pixie
Playland. That place is straight dope. Here's me riding the carousel. At first, I was a little nervous...

Then the horses got

After my
initial hesitation, I realized that the carousel is

I shared my unbridled giddiness about the carousel with my Pops.

Then we rode the train, which was, of course, highly scenic.

After seeing Pixie
Playland by rail, I decided I wanted to see it by

And, finally, by car.

After a
quick nap (that, unmercifully for my parents, included
no sleeping), it was time to
really party. This shot captures my joy upon seeing Grandma
Wever's epic-scale decorations. The Wall-E theme was a perfect choice.

Initially, Grandma's spread included a bounteous feast of summer salads, but after Mom got involved, we were sadly left one potato salad short of bounteous. A feast bereft of potato salad = bummer. Oh well.

The aftermath.

This was my cake. That picture on top – you can eat it.

Maybe it was the thought of eating something so awesome that got me down. The best things are fleeting, I guess.

The prospect of opening a king's ransom of loot and booty, however, pulled me out of my momentary dumps.

Thank you, Grandma, for my awesomest Wall-E amazing squawking electronic machine. Lovin' it.

And for my Kawasaki. Biker gang, Lennon?

Just when I thought it couldn't possibly get any better, I found myself the recipient of the coolest
Cars big-block race track set
ever. Hours of enjoyment ensued.

Sadly, all great things must come to an end, my California birthday adventure being no exception. I was comforted, however, by the knowledge that the trip home would be filled with Pixar movies, thanks to Grandma & Grandpa Wever...
Hey Grant, I can mount AND dismount my Kawasaki now. Eat my dust and happy birthday.
Buddy, I have a bone to pick with you. Although I call you Michael...you know that you're tops in my book. My heart was broken to learn that Evan may edge Lennon out as your favorite cousin. Are they your only two cousins? Did you forget about me (or do I not count because I'm a girl)?
ps--it's a good thing that Thane and Sawyer don't know how to read (like I do)...or their feelings would be hurt too.
Hi Clark family! It's so fun to see pics of your cute family - and I CAN'T BELIEVE Grant is already 3!! We miss being in Provo for football season - enjoy it for us!
the Shaeffers
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