Saturday, December 12, 2009

Tiger, you're fired...

The recession has hit the Lefty Blog. Unfortunately, I've had to give Tiger Woods, formerly My Main Man, the pink slip.

We here at Lefty are pleased to announce, though, that the recently vacated position has already been filled. It is with great pleasure that I introduce to you all my new Main Man, 5 foot 6 inch Division One College Football Star [and BYU Cougar, of course] Brian Logan.

Mr. Logan is number one among all division one college cornerbacks in passes defended this season, despite his diminutive size. That takes heart, my friends, and for that we love him and think that you will, too.

1 comment:

Carol said...

Cool! Heart counts for way more than size. We all know that!
Love you buddy! Can't wait to see you tonight!

Grandma Carol